Qemu version for rtems-testing

Dario Imparato dar.imparato at studenti.unina.it
Wed Oct 19 23:07:13 UTC 2011

Dear all, 

I am working at coverage analysis on BSP pc386 and rtems 4.9.6 using rtems-testing module scripts. I always have reports with 0% code executed.
I suppose the problem is related to qemu. Both the official version of qemu and couverture use the option "-trace" differently from the script pc386 invoked by do_coverage.
Qemu, according to  http://qemu.weilnetz.de/qemu-doc.html#index-g_t_002dtrace-115 requires the parameter "file" while the script pc386 does not need this parameter.
Regarding the version of rtems-testing module, we checked-out it on 5/10/11 with the command "cvs -z 9 co -P rtems-testing".
Can anyone say which version of qemu must be used? 

Also, we executed other tests and we always get file .cov  whose size is 64 bytes. 

Thank you in advance,
Dario Imparato

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