
Andrei Chichak groups at
Thu Oct 27 02:53:37 UTC 2011

On 2011-October-26, at 4:34 PM, Angelo Fraietta wrote:

> On 21/09/2011 7:56 PM, Eduardo Esteban wrote:
>> What I am trying to do is the following:
>> Obtain the Timeout;
>> Kick the OBC watchdog.
>> Set the OBC watchdog's timeout.
>> Stops the Watchdog resetting from the OBSW.
>>  Triggers a SW reset.
> You can create a task for your your watchdog and have it wait for an event for the period of watchdog timeout and do it in a loop. If the event times out do your software reset. 

I have each task set a flag in the watchdog task each time it runs. 
For tasks that run on demand, the watchdog task will send them a message periodically, and give them time to run.
For each task the watchdog makes sure that the flag has been set, then it clears it.

If any of the flags did not get set, the task is declared dead and the hardware watchdog does not get strobed, the system reboots.

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