GIT Status Report

Pavel Pisa ppisa4lists at
Fri Feb 17 15:12:40 UTC 2012

On Friday 17 February 2012 15:44:28 Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> On 02/17/2012 02:58 PM, Pavel Pisa wrote:
> > On Thursday 09 February 2012 04:59:19 Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> > But you could not modify directly whole world.
> That's not what I intended. The case which triggered this was me having
> modified some files in a branch in my local checkout, having propagated
> them to their branch counterpart in the personal remote repository, and
> me now trying to push these changes to the global remote repository.
> > You can work only
> > with your inner world. I.e. branch local branch "master" after
> > initial clone. You should not attempt to other remote branches.
> This exactly is the purpose of a maintainer. I am trying to apply
> patches I locally tested into the global repository.

The stupid question probably but have you invoked

  git pull

first. If somebody else modifies the branch which
you have already branched locally, your actual state
is not descendant of the remote branch state => push
is not fast forward and would result in merge commit
(even trivial if yours and other modified  files are different).
The server cannot resolve commits.

You need to "git pull" the remote state the first.
This is equivalent to "git fetch tracked_origin_repo"
+ "git merge tracked_origin_repo/tracked_branch".
Or for other repo "git fetch joel"+ "git merge joel/master".

You can push your changes (as fast forwared) after
automatic or manual merge+commit resolution.

Best wishes,


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