Space Qualified RTEMS

Phil Smith pjs1 at
Thu Jan 26 15:46:46 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 01:01:30PM +0100, Rolf Schroedter wrote:

> Until today, nobody from ESA complained about that I'm using the
> RTEMS-4.10 branch, provided by Aeroflex-Gaisler
> This is a bit behind the actual versions
> from I'm using it with 2-3 (non-critical) bug-fixes and

Hi Lee and all,

We are using the latest Aeroflex-Gaisler RTEMS too on the Solar Orbiter EUI
instrument and will keep open the option of an upgrade/patch or two during
development if necessary.  It will be interesting to see what the other
instruments choose.

We like 4.10 or later for the same reasons expressed by others: bugfixes,
features and support together with better testing.  RFS too.

Rolf, what bug-fixes did you find necessary? Are they just selected official
patches from 4.10 to latest?


Philip J. Smith            __o    Dept. of Space and Climate Physics, 
pjs1 at       _'\<;    Mullard Space Science Laboratory,  
                     ((( (*)/(*)      University College London.

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