PC386 Network

SAeeD salpha.2004 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 10:06:13 UTC 2012

In an other words, where is the driver attach function for BGE defined?

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:16 PM, SAeeD <salpha.2004 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well thank you first.
> I've came to some understandings that may be useful to others:
> First, in order to check my Ethernet controller family, I used "lspci"
> command in Fedora 17:
> 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme *BCM5755M*Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02)
> The bolded text shows mine.
> Second, in order to see FreeBSD Ethernet drivers that have been ported to
> RTEMS, I used the comments in the file:
> libbsdport <http://git.rtems.org/libbsdport/>/bsd_eth_drivers/libbsdport/
> libbsdport_api.h<http://git.rtems.org/libbsdport/tree/bsd_eth_drivers/libbsdport/libbsdport_api.h>
> Now I come up with one question:
> I'm going to use "Broadcom BCM57xx PCI" family as it suits my case. The
> driver for this family is placed in the folder "if_bge".
> I searched if_bge.c and did not find a function with "static int (struct
> rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig*, int)" signature to introduce it as my
> I mean for other drivers like DEC21140 there is a function like "int
> rtems_dec21140_driver_attach (struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *config, int
> attach)" and a name like "ne1" but for BGE, I did not find similiar
> function and name. So how I'm supposed to use them as Ethernet driver in my
> application? How may I configure my application in order to use them?
> Thanks,
> SAeeD
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:
>> SAeeD wrote:
>>>     There is also some more in the libsdports repo ....
>>>     http://git.rtems.org/**libbsdport/<http://git.rtems.org/libbsdport/>
>>> How I'm supposed to tell my application to use those drivers? For DEC
>>> and NE and WD was as easy as changing the first entry in the
>>> "rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig" structure.
>> It is an external library you link your application to. To build first
>> build and install the BSP you are using (see the --with-rtems-top setting).
>> In my case I use this library with the pc586 BSP. Then ....
>>  $ /Users/chris/Development/**rtems/src/libbsdport/configure \
>>     --host=i386-rtems4.10 \
>>     --with-rtems-top=/Users/chris/**Development/rtems/build/4.10 \
>>     --prefix=/Users/chris/**Development/rtems/build/4.10 \
>>     --enable-std-rtems-installdirs --enable-maintainer-mode \
>>     --enable-rtemsbsp=pc586
>>  $ make all install
>> I use this in the RTL test program. The specific source to set up and use
>> the library can be found here ...
>>  http://git.rtems.org/chrisj/**rtl.git/tree/init.c#n76<http://git.rtems.org/chrisj/rtl.git/tree/init.c#n76>
>>  BTW, is it possible that I use those
>>> drivers with RTEMS 4.10.2 tarball or I must use HEAD branch in order to
>>> use them? Please enlighten me a little more. :)
>> I have not used 4.10.x recently how-ever I feel it should work because
>> there has been no major changes in the network area on head.
>> Chris
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