Error in creating timer

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Mon Apr 8 00:48:32 UTC 2013

On 04/07/2013 05:42 PM, manish jain wrote:
> I just have one more questions regarding the timer which I am not able 
> to find in the document. Now, with your help I am able to create the 
> timer, and for setting that up, I am using  "rtems_timer_fire_after" 
> directive. The status code returned by this function doesn't show any 
> error, but my "callback function" is not getting called. After looking 
> in the definition of function "rtems_timer_fire_after", I found that 
> timer internally uses "watchdog" functionality. Does that mean 
> watchdog device driver required for timer? I am working on sparc 
> simulator, and I think the sparc bsp does not have watchdog driver 
> because I got linker error after including the 
There is watchdog hardware and the Score watchdog software class.

the simple kind of watchdog hardware that resets a board after
an interval if it is not "tickled".

Watchdog in relation to both Classic API and POSIX API Timers is
the name of an internal class in the RTEMS SuperCore.
This is the Doxygen page for it.

Hindsight is 20/20 and in retrospect, I wish we had named that class
something else. But I still have no idea what would be a better name
for the SuperCore Watchdog Handler class.  If anyone has a suggestion
on what to rename it to which would both be clearer and avoid
confusion with Hardware Watchdogs, it would be appreciated.

> Thanks
> Manish
> On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Joel Sherrill 
> <joel.sherrill at <mailto:joel.sherrill at>> wrote:
>     On 04/07/2013 03:32 PM, manish jain wrote:
>>     Thanks Joel..
>>     It is working now but while I used clock driver with timer I
>>     didn't get any compiler error..
>     I am glad to know that worked.
>     I have a patch in my tree so next time someone will get a compile
>     error.
>     You can only specify one of need clock, need timer, or do not need
>     clock.
>     There were checks for having 0 defined but not > 1.
>     --joel
>>     Manish
>>     On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Joel Sherrill
>>     <joel.sherrill at <mailto:joel.sherrill at>> wrote:
>>         On 04/07/2013 03:05 PM, manish jain wrote:
>>             Hi,
>>             I am just running a small Init task in which I am
>>             creating a "timer". But the status returned by the
>>             "rtems_timer_create" function is "RTEMS_TOO_MANY ". I
>>             think, this status is referring to a maximum numbers of
>>             objects already allocated. But in my task I am just
>>             creating one timer. Do I need to preconfigure before
>>             using the timer? For now I am using following macros:
>>             Can someone tell me what I might be missing? I am
>>             currently running my task on sparc sis simulator.
>>         You can't configure the timer and clock driver at the same time.
>>         This should have resulted in a compile time error. On most BSPs,
>>         these use the same hardware so it is considered a general error.
>>         Besides, the timer driver is for a "benchmark timer" used by
>>         the RTEMS Timing Test Suites -- and they assume no clock tick.
>>         I don't know why your initialization task needs floating
>>         point but
>>         that is your application's requirement.
>>         If you are creating a Classic API timer via the
>>         rtems_timer_create()
>>         method, then you need to configure the system to account for
>>         how many instances of Classic API Timers you need.  Something
>>         like this:
>>         #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS 1
>>         If you need more than one timer, then up that number.
>>         If you want standard in, out and error to work (e.g.
>>         printf()), then
>>         you should also have:
>>         I just posted a re-write of the Configuring a System chapter
>>         in the
>>         Users Guide. Everything you should need to know is in it and
>>         hopefully better presented than the current version.
>>         The current version is terse where the new version includes
>>         more information in a more structured fashion.  :)
>>             Manish
>>         -- 
>>         Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research&
>>         Development
>>         joel.sherrill at <mailto:joel.sherrill at>
>>                On-Line Applications Research
>>         Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35806
>>         Support Available (256) 722-9985 <tel:%28256%29%20722-9985>
>     -- 
>     Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research& Development
>     joel.sherrill at  <mailto:joel.sherrill at>         On-Line Applications Research
>     Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35806
>     Support Available(256) 722-9985  <tel:%28256%29%20722-9985>

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research& Development
joel.sherrill at        On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35806
Support Available               (256) 722-9985

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