PowerPC BSP mvme5500 and hardfloat.

Matt Wette mwette at alumni.caltech.edu
Thu Dec 12 18:53:57 UTC 2013

On Dec 12, 2013, at 9:18 AM, Till Straumann <strauman at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:

> BTW: I have not, with recent gcc, seen implicit use of the FPU.
> - Till

on ppc stfd = store float double

mwette$ cat isr.c
struct ts { int s, f; };

extern struct ts clktim;

extern volatile int *sec, *frac;

void isr() {
  struct ts a, b;
  a.s = -1;
  do { 
     b = a;
     a.s = *sec;
     a.f = *frac;
  } while (a.s != b.s);
  /* oops move a to clktim */

mwette$ powerpc-rtems4.11-gcc -S isr.c

mwette$ cat isr.s
        .file   "isr.c"
        .section        ".text"
        .align 2
        .globl isr
        .type   isr, @function
        stwu 1,-32(1)
        stw 31,28(1)
        mr 31,1
        li 9,-1
        stw 9,8(31)
        lfd 0,8(31)
        stfd 0,16(31)
        lis 9,sec at ha
        lwz 9,sec at l(9)
        lwz 9,0(9)
        stw 9,8(31)
        lis 9,frac at ha
        lwz 9,frac at l(9)
        lwz 9,0(9)
        stw 9,12(31)
	lwz 10,8(31)
	lwz 9,16(31)
	cmpw 7,10,9
	bne 7,.L2
	addi 11,31,32
	lwz 31,-4(11)
	mr 1,11
	.size	isr, .-isr
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 4.8.2 20131016 (RTEMS gcc-4.8.2-3.el6/newlib-1.20.0-29.el6)"

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