problems with RFS filesystem and mkdir

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Wed Mar 20 14:26:24 UTC 2013

On 3/20/2013 9:25 AM, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:
> Joel,
> I did try that but I am using mingw and there is no functioning 
> autoconf 2.69 package available, so I can't bootstrap a git head checkout.

Sigh... :(

Ok. I am sure Alan and Chris can try to reproduce this on the head.

> On 20 Mar 2013 14:22, "Joel Sherrill" <joel.sherrill at 
> <mailto:joel.sherrill at>> wrote:
>     On 3/20/2013 8:30 AM, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     I wonder if this is target specific now, if i literately use the
>>     sources you posted i get an error '-1' returned from the
>>     rtems_mkdir().
>>     The only change i made was to malloc a smaller chuck, 32k. Of
>>     course my malloc() is operating of the same SRAM chip, but it was
>>     in a different address range.
>>     Not sure what to do now, i guess i have to work out whats up with
>>     RFS on ARM thumb. Does anyone know what platforms RFS was
>>     tested/developed on ?
>     These are tested by the fstests set of tests. I don't believe
>     these were in the 4.10
>     tree. Now these are tested on every target that has the testsuite
>     run. This would
>     primarily be i386, SPARC, MIPS, PowerPC, Coldfire and ARM. That's
>     where most
>     of the daily developer activity is.
>     The code was initially developed and tested primarily on Coldfire,
>     SPARC, and i386.
>     Chris can say more about it specifically.
>     I would suggest that it would be good to see if this fails on 4.11
>     if you haven't
>     already.
>>     On 19 March 2013 21:36, Cudmore, Alan P. (GSFC-5820)
>>     <alan.p.cudmore at <mailto:alan.p.cudmore at>> wrote:
>>         No problem. I have a pretty easy to use 4.10 setup right now.
>>         I did have to run the memset code for the address space. If
>>         you pass a 0 in the cold_boot parameter, it fails.
>>         Alan
>>         On Mar 19, 2013, at 5:21 PM, Matthew J Fletcher
>>         <amimjf at <mailto:amimjf at>> wrote:
>>>         Alan,
>>>         Thanks very much for running this test, its given me quite a
>>>         bit of confidence.
>>>         Did you have to memset the address space to 0xff before you
>>>         could register/format the device ?, I found I had to do that
>>>         to not get an error code.
>>>         I suppose the memset would rapidly throw up problems if I
>>>         had addresses wrong. I can't think what the issue might be.
>>>         I will try a mallocd area like your example though to see if
>>>         I get a good result.
>>>         On 19 Mar 2013 21:05, "Cudmore, Alan P. (GSFC-5820)"
>>>         <alan.p.cudmore at <mailto:alan.p.cudmore at>>
>>>         wrote:
>>>             I took your code below and created an example that would
>>>             build and run on my 4.10.2 setup. I ran this on the
>>>             sparc-sis simulator, and it seems to work fine.
>>>             Are you sure you have valid memory for the nvramdisk device?
>>>             We rely on RFS on 4.10.2 and are giving a pretty good
>>>             stress test right now.
>>>             Alan
>>>             ------------------------------
>>>             #include <errno.h>
>>>             #include <stdio.h>
>>>             #include <stdlib.h>
>>>             #include <sys/stat.h>
>>>             #include <fcntl.h>
>>>             #include <rtems.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/bdbuf.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/blkdev.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/diskdevs.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/error.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/flashdisk.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/fsmount.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/rtems-rfs.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/rtems-rfs-format.h>
>>>             #include <rtems/nvdisk-sram.h>
>>>             uint32_t rtems_nvdisk_configuration_size =1;
>>>             constchar* sram_driver = "/dev/nvda"; //
>>>             RTEMS_NVDISK_DEVICE_BASE_NAME, 1st device
>>>             const char* sram_path = "/sram";
>>>             /*
>>>              * Let the IO system allocation the next available major
>>>             number.
>>>             */
>>>             #define RTEMS_DRIVER_AUTO_MAJOR (0)
>>>             /*
>>>              * The SRAM Device setup
>>>             */
>>>             rtems_nvdisk_device_desc rtems_sram_device_descriptor[] =
>>>             {
>>>               {
>>>                     flags: 0,
>>>                   base: 0,
>>>                     size: 256* 1024, // 256K (Adjust when ROM.ld,
>>>             _IMFS_DiskSize is changed)
>>>                   nv_ops: &rtems_nvdisk_sram_handlers
>>>               }
>>>             };
>>>             const rtems_nvdisk_config rtems_nvdisk_configuration[] =
>>>             {
>>>               {
>>>                   block_size: 512,
>>>                   device_count: 1,
>>>                   devices: &rtems_sram_device_descriptor[0],
>>>                   flags: 0,
>>>                   info_level: 0
>>>               }
>>>             };
>>>             /**
>>>              * Create the SRAM Disk Driver entry.
>>>              */
>>>             rtems_driver_address_table rtems_sram_ops = {
>>>               initialization_entry: rtems_nvdisk_initialize,
>>>                 open_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_open,
>>>               close_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_close,
>>>                 read_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_read,
>>>               write_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_write,
>>>                 control_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_ioctl
>>>             };
>>>             void setup_sram_disk (int cold_boot)
>>>             {
>>>               rtems_device_major_number major;
>>>               rtems_status_code sc;
>>>             // settings
>>>             rtems_sram_device_descriptor[0].base = (uint32_t *)
>>>             malloc (256*1024);
>>>             if (cold_boot)
>>>                 {
>>>             memset(rtems_sram_device_descriptor[0].base, 0xff,
>>>             rtems_sram_device_descriptor[0].size );
>>>               }
>>>             /*
>>>               * Register the NV Disk driver.
>>>               */
>>>                 sc = rtems_io_register_driver
>>>             (RTEMS_DRIVER_AUTO_MAJOR, &rtems_sram_ops, &major);
>>>             if ( sc < 0 )
>>>               {
>>>                 printf("RTEMS Register IO driver failed\n");
>>>               }
>>>             else
>>>                 {
>>>                 printf("RTEMS register IO driver OK\n");
>>>               }
>>>             }
>>>             /*
>>>              *
>>>              * RFS on SRAM
>>>              *
>>>              */
>>>             void mount_rfs_on_sram(int cold_boot)
>>>             {
>>>               rtems_rfs_format_config config;
>>>               rtems_status_code rc;
>>>               setup_sram_disk (cold_boot);
>>>             // zero is a good set of defaults
>>>               memset (&config, 0, sizeof (rtems_rfs_format_config));
>>>             if (rtems_rfs_format (sram_driver, &config) < 0)
>>>               {
>>>                   printf("error: format of %s failed: %s\n",
>>>             sram_driver, strerror (errno));
>>>               }
>>>             else
>>>                 {
>>>                 printf("RTEMS RFS format OK\n");
>>>                 }
>>>             if (mount_and_make_target_path(
>>>                   sram_driver,
>>>                   sram_path,
>>>             NULL
>>>                 ) != 0)
>>>               {
>>>                     printf("error: mount of %s to %s failed: %s\n",
>>>             sram_driver, sram_path, strerror (errno));
>>>               }
>>>             else
>>>               {
>>>                 printf("mount and make target path OK\n");
>>>               }
>>>               rc = rtems_mkdir("sram/DB", S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP |
>>>             S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
>>>             if ( rc < 0 )
>>>               {
>>>                 printf("rtems_mkdir failed\n");
>>>                 }
>>>             else
>>>               {
>>>                    printf("mkdir sdram/DB OK\n");
>>>               }
>>>             }
>>>             rtems_task Init(
>>>               rtems_task_argument ignored
>>>             )
>>>             {
>>>               printf( "\n\n*** Starting NVRAM Disk Test ***\n");
>>>             mount_rfs_on_sram(1);
>>>             printf( "*** END OF TEST ***\n");
>>>               exit( 0 );
>>>             }
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_EXTRA_TASK_STACKS      
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_DRIVERS 6
>>>             /* NOTICE: the clock driver is explicitly disabled */
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS 40 // TX MAX_THREAD
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS 40 // TX MAX_TIMER
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_QUEUES 40 // TX
>>>             MAX_MSG_QUEUE
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PARTITIONS 5
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_REGIONS 5
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PORTS 0
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PERIODS 0
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_BARRIERS 0
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MICROSECONDS_PER_TICK 10000 /* 10
>>>             milliseconds */
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_TICKS_PER_TIMESLICE 50 /* 50
>>>             milliseconds */
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_BDBUF_MAX_WRITE_BLOCKS 8
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_SWAPOUT_TASK_PRIORITY 15
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_FILESYSTEM_RFS
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_RTEMS_INIT_TASKS_TABLE
>>>             #define CONFIGURE_INIT
>>>             #include <rtems/confdefs.h>
>>>             -------------------------------
>>>             On Mar 18, 2013, at 2:35 PM, Matthew J Fletcher
>>>             <amimjf at <mailto:amimjf at>> wrote:
>>>>             Hi,
>>>>             Alas the mkdir() is the first filesystem operation i am
>>>>             doing. I am not sure if i can send attachments to the
>>>>             list so i've cut and pasted the relivant functions
>>>>             below. I guess the following would run on any BSP, its
>>>>             just a 256k block of sram. If there is a BSP with
>>>>             enough memory the base pointer for the filesystem could
>>>>             just be a big malloc().
>>>>             ------------------- snip -------------------------
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_IDLE_TASK_BODY rtems_idle
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_EXTRA_TASK_STACKS
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_DRIVERS 6
>>>>             /* NOTICE: the clock driver is explicitly disabled */
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS 40                // TX
>>>>             MAX_THREAD
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS 40                //
>>>>             TX MAX_TIMER
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_SEMAPHORES 40            //
>>>>             TX MAX_MUTEX
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_QUEUES 40        //
>>>>             TX MAX_MSG_QUEUE
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PARTITIONS 5
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_REGIONS 5
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PORTS 0
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PERIODS 0
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_BARRIERS 0
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_MICROSECONDS_PER_TICK 10000 /* 10
>>>>             milliseconds */
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_TICKS_PER_TIMESLICE 50 /* 50
>>>>             milliseconds */
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_BDBUF_MAX_READ_AHEAD_BLOCKS 2
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_BDBUF_MAX_WRITE_BLOCKS 8
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_SWAPOUT_TASK_PRIORITY 15
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_FILESYSTEM_RFS
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_RTEMS_INIT_TASKS_TABLE
>>>>             #define CONFIGURE_INIT
>>>>             #include <rtems/confdefs.h>
>>>>             uint32_t rtems_flashdisk_configuration_size =1;
>>>>             const char* flash_driver = "/dev/fdda";    //
>>>>             RTEMS_FLASHDISK_DEVICE_BASE_NAME, 1st device
>>>>             const char* flash_path = "/flash";
>>>>             uint32_t rtems_nvdisk_configuration_size =1;
>>>>             const char* sram_driver = "/dev/nvda"; //
>>>>             RTEMS_NVDISK_DEVICE_BASE_NAME, 1st device
>>>>             const char* sram_path = "/sram";
>>>>             /**
>>>>              * Let the IO system allocation the next available
>>>>             major number.
>>>>              */
>>>>             #define RTEMS_DRIVER_AUTO_MAJOR (0)
>>>>             #define FLASHDISK_SEGMENT_COUNT 8 /* 128*/    //
>>>>             Spansion S29GL128S, 128Mbit part
>>>>             #define FLASHDISK_SEGMENT_SIZE (128 * 1024)    //
>>>>             Spansion S29GL128S, 128k sized sectors
>>>>             #define FLASHDISK_BLOCK_SIZE 512
>>>>             #define FLASHDISK_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT
>>>>             FLASHDISK_SEGMENT_SIZE)
>>>>             /**
>>>>              * The SRAM Device setup
>>>>              */
>>>>             rtems_nvdisk_device_desc rtems_sram_device_descriptor[] =
>>>>             {
>>>>                 {
>>>>                     flags:  0,
>>>>                     base:   0,
>>>>                     size:   256 * 1024, // 256K (Adjust when
>>>>             ROM.ld, _IMFS_DiskSize is changed)
>>>>                     nv_ops: &rtems_nvdisk_sram_handlers
>>>>                 }
>>>>             };
>>>>             const rtems_nvdisk_config rtems_nvdisk_configuration[] =
>>>>             {
>>>>                 {
>>>>                     block_size: 512,
>>>>                     device_count: 1,
>>>>                     devices: &rtems_sram_device_descriptor[0],
>>>>                     flags: 0,
>>>>                     info_level: 0
>>>>                 }
>>>>             };
>>>>             /**
>>>>              * Create the SRAM Disk Driver entry.
>>>>              */
>>>>             rtems_driver_address_table rtems_sram_ops = {
>>>>                 initialization_entry: rtems_nvdisk_initialize,
>>>>                 open_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_open,
>>>>                 close_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_close,
>>>>                 read_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_read,
>>>>                 write_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_write,
>>>>                 control_entry: rtems_blkdev_generic_ioctl
>>>>             };
>>>>             int setup_sram_disk (int cold_boot)
>>>>             {
>>>>             rtems_device_major_number major;
>>>>             rtems_status_code sc;
>>>>                 // settings
>>>>             rtems_sram_device_descriptor[0].base = (unsigned
>>>>             long)eTalus_IMFS_start;
>>>>                 if (cold_boot)
>>>>                 {
>>>>             memset(rtems_sram_device_descriptor[0].base, 0xff,
>>>>             rtems_sram_device_descriptor[0].size );
>>>>                 }
>>>>                 /*
>>>>                 * Register the NV Disk driver.
>>>>                 */
>>>>                 sc = rtems_io_register_driver
>>>>             (RTEMS_DRIVER_AUTO_MAJOR, &rtems_sram_ops, &major);
>>>>             }
>>>>             /*
>>>>              *
>>>>              * RFS on SRAM
>>>>              *
>>>>              */
>>>>             void mount_rfs_on_sram(int cold_boot)
>>>>             {
>>>>                 rtems_rfs_format_config config;
>>>>                 setup_sram_disk (cold_boot);
>>>>                 // zero is a good set of defaults
>>>>                 memset (&config, 0, sizeof (rtems_rfs_format_config));
>>>>                 if (rtems_rfs_format (sram_driver, &config) < 0)
>>>>                 {
>>>>             sprintf(inital_print_buffer,"error: format of %s
>>>>             failed: %s\n", sram_driver, strerror (errno));
>>>>             UART0_SendStr(inital_print_buffer);
>>>>                 }
>>>>                 if (mount_and_make_target_path(
>>>>                     sram_driver,
>>>>                     sram_path,
>>>>                     NULL
>>>>                   ) != 0)
>>>>                 {
>>>>             sprintf(inital_print_buffer,"error: mount of %s to %s
>>>>             failed: %s\n", sram_driver, sram_path, strerror (errno));
>>>>             UART0_SendStr(inital_print_buffer);
>>>>                 }
>>>>                 rc = rtems_mkdir("sram/DB", S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP |
>>>>             S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
>>>>             }
>>>>             ------------------- end ------------------------
>>>>             On 18 March 2013 17:42, Joel Sherrill
>>>>             <joel.sherrill at
>>>>             <mailto:joel.sherrill at>> wrote:
>>>>                 Is this reproducible with something you can share?
>>>>                 Looking at the source, I think this case is that you
>>>>                 filled the filesystem and there were no free blocks.
>>>>                 But I am looking at the head and not that familiar
>>>>                 with this filesystem.
>>>>                 --joel
>>>>                 On 3/18/2013 12:20 PM, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:
>>>>                     Hi,
>>>>                     I have an RFS filesystem using the nvram
>>>>                     device, its formatted ok and
>>>>                     mount_and_make_target_path() also worked ok.
>>>>                     But attempting to mkdir() causes a really
>>>>                     lowlevel issue.
>>>>                     The callstack;
>>>>                     rtems_rfs_block_map_find() at
>>>>                     rtems-rfs-block.c:246 0x81198bd8
>>>>                     rtems_rfs_block_map_next_block() at
>>>>                     rtems-rfs-block.c:353 0x81198d1e
>>>>                     rtems_rfs_dir_lookup_ino() at
>>>>                     rtems-rfs-dir.c:204 0x8119951c
>>>>                     rtems_rfs_rtems_eval_for_make() at
>>>>                     rtems-rfs-rtems.c:440 0x8118e142
>>>>                     IMFS_evaluate_for_make() at imfs_eval.c:435
>>>>                     0x81190718
>>>>                     mknod() at mknod.c:64 0x81183d5c
>>>>                     mkdir() at mkdir.c:29 0x81183cf0
>>>>                     build() at rtems_mkdir.c:101 0x811843a0
>>>>                     rtems_mkdir() at rtems_mkdir.c:136 0x811843a0
>>>>                     the rtems_rfs_block_pos_block_past_end macro is
>>>>                     failing and causing the return of ENXIO.
>>>>                     The two arguments to the macro are;
>>>>                     bpos->bno = 1
>>>>                     bpos->boff = 0
>>>>                     bpos->block = 0
>>>>                     map->size->count = 1
>>>>                     map->size->offset = 0
>>>>                     Which seems to me the cause of ENXIO being
>>>>                     returned, but i dont know how my BSP could
>>>>                     affect this.
>>>>                     Do people use RFS in production systems ? i am
>>>>                     using the 4.10.2 sources.
>>>>                     regards
>>>>                     ---
>>>>                     Matthew J Fletcher
>>>>                 -- 
>>>>                 Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of
>>>>                 Research & Development
>>>>                 joel.sherrill at
>>>>                 <mailto:joel.sherrill at>        On-Line
>>>>                 Applications Research
>>>>                 Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
>>>>                 Support Available              (256) 722-9985
>>>>             -- 
>>>>             regards
>>>>             ---
>>>>             Matthew J Fletcher
>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>             rtems-users mailing list
>>>>             rtems-users at <mailto:rtems-users at>
>>     -- 
>>     regards
>>     ---
>>     Matthew J Fletcher
>     -- 
>     Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
>     joel.sherrill at  <mailto:joel.sherrill at>         On-Line Applications Research
>     Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
>     Support Available                (256) 722-9985

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel.sherrill at        On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
Support Available                (256) 722-9985

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