rtems_tarfs_load("/", ...) -> null_op_mknod()

Nick Withers nick.withers at anu.edu.au
Wed Oct 2 06:46:59 UTC 2013

Hey guys,

http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=97ae1eeb38a6521cfd52171cf6b816bdebf59f6b seems to have broken rtems_tarfs_load("/", ...) for me.

rtems_filesystem_mknod() ends up calling null_op_mknod(), which
unconditionally returns -1 (which makes sense, given its name) and now
the whole shebang fails.

Am I doing something silly? I've really just mimicked some of the
examples' usage, and it works a charm with the change backed out.
Nick Withers

Embedded Systems Programmer
Room 2.26, Building 57
Department of Nuclear Physics
Research School of Physics and Engineering
The Australian National University (CRICOS: 00120C)

eMail: nick.withers at anu.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 6125 2091
Mobile: +61 414 397 446

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