Gaia Update Request

Zandin Johan RUAG Johan.Zandin at
Fri Oct 25 07:56:31 UTC 2013

Joel Sherrill wrote:
>Any ideas which subsystems run RTEMS?

The Gaia CDMU from RUAG Space AB runs RTEMS 4.6.1.
I just added this on 
where I also saw that the PDHU was already mentioned.

>FWIW I have wanted to run a launch count down on
>for each launch that includes some RTEMS based system.
>It just seems hard to track them. :(

I think this would be a good starting point, at least for the
ones reasonably close in time:


Johan Zandin                      Computer Engineer
RUAG Space AB                     Phone: +46-31-735 41 47
SE-405 15 Gothenburg, Sweden      Fax:   +46-31-735 40 00

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