issue qemu command "system_reset"

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Mon Sep 9 15:15:39 UTC 2013

It sounds like qemu's system_reset command is not being handled
properly. I suggest you set grub to not autoload, and connect your
debugger when grub starts under qemu. Then you don't need to try to
reset, you can just manually select the hello (or whatever other
program you have loaded on the image).


On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 11:06 AM, 蒋明建 <hotkernel at> wrote:
>  Hi all,
> During I debugging the RTEMS with QEMU, if I issue the command
> "system_reset", the QEMU quit.
> The steps like this:
>     cd ~/development/rtems/4.11/qemu-img
>     source
>     /***************** looks like this ************/
>     #!/bin/sh
>     qemu -m 128 \
>     -boot a \
>     -fda rtems-boot.img \
>     -hda hda.img \
>     -hdb fat:.    \
>     -serial stdio \
>     -no-reboot \
>     -s
>     /******************************************************************/
>     grub>
>     set root=(hd1,0)
>     multiboot (hd1,0)/hello.exe
>   &! nbsp; boot
>     ddd --debugger i386-rtems4.11-gdb hello.exe
>     console
>     (gdb)
>     target remote localhost:1234
>     break     bootcard.c : boot_card
>     // the above step seems all OK, I can debug it step by step, but I can't
> see how the function bootcard.c : boot_card() executing process
>     // I want to reboot the program and let the code run into boot_card()
>    ctrl-alt-2                   // enter into qemu command line
>    (qemu)> system_reset
>    // after  I execute the system_reset command, the qemu quit, and the gdb
> disconnect
> Could you tell me how I can enter into the function boot_card() and debug it
> step by step with qemu ?
>  Regards,
>  Jeremy
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