Signal handler in RTEMS

Ben Dart Ben.Dart at
Wed Dec 31 21:32:50 UTC 2014

void HandleAndPrintSignal()
      printf("I am in the segfault signal handler AND I WILL HANDLE YOUR SIG!!!!\n");
      while(1){ printf("LALALA\n"); }

void *POSIX_Init(void *args)

      printf("BENS BIG NOTE: Initializing Signal Handler\n");
      struct sigaction sa;
      sa.sa_handler = HandleAndPrintSignal;
      sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
      if (sigaction (SIGSEGV, &sa, 0)) {
            printf("A ERROR OCCURED WITH THIS!");
      int *p = NULL;
            printf("Doing some looping\n");
            *(p--) = 5;
            printf("%d", *p);

This will cause a seg fault as expected. However instead of being caught by the signal handler a kernel routine under vectors_init.c will print the following stack trace:

Exception handler called for exception 12 (0xC)
         Next PC or Address of fault = 003506BC
         Saved MSR = 00003012
         Context: Task ID 0x0B010001
         R0  = 003506B8 R1  = 06827C58 R2  = 004A54F8 R3  = 00000000
         R4  = 06827BE8 R5  = 00000013 R6  = 06827C84 R7  = 00000001
         R8  = 00000000 R9  = 00000800 R10 = F0002000 R11 = F0002000
         R12 = 25555582 R13 = 0051A7C0 R14 = 55555555 R15 = 55555555
         R16 = 55555555 R17 = 55555555 R18 = 55555555 R19 = 55555555
         R20 = 55555555 R21 = 55555555 R22 = 06827F10 R23 = 00000001
         R24 = 06827D78 R25 = 003CD20C R26 = 06827D94 R27 = 00000000
         R28 = 006FF698 R29 = 00000013 R30 = 00000000 R31 = 1A01000E
         CR  = 45555582
         CTR = 00350EB0
         XER = 00000000
         LR  = 003506B8
         DAR = 00000000
Stack Trace:
  IP: 0x003506BC, LR: 0x003506B8
--^ 0x0038C364--^ 0x00389AF0--^ 0x0036BC5C--^ 0x00350F70--^ 0x0038AD78
--^ 0x0036071C--^ 0x0036D330--^ 0x0036D3B0--^ 0x0033E514--^ 0x003399D0
--^ 0x0033B4F0--^ 0x0033D80C--^ 0x0019B68C--^ 0x003C6934--^ 0x003C6850
Suspending faulting task (0x0B010001)

Is there something special that needs to be done to set up signal handlers for RTEMS? It seems like from this manual: <>

under section indicates that signals have been implemented.

Is there something that I am doing wrong?

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