problem starting a rtems task

Martínez, Pablo pabloa.mar at
Fri Jun 27 15:54:01 UTC 2014

On 27 June 2014 12:41, Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrill at> wrote:

> On 6/27/2014 9:44 AM, Martínez, Pablo wrote:
> On 26 June 2014 18:54, Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrill at> wrote:
>> On 6/26/2014 4:48 PM, Martínez, Pablo wrote:
>> On 26 June 2014 18:28, Chris Johns <chrisj at> wrote:
>>> On 26/06/2014 11:54 pm, Martínez, Pablo wrote:
>>>> On 26 June 2014 08:37, Chris Johns <chrisj at
>>>>  <mailto:chrisj at>> wrote:
>>>>     On 26/06/2014 12:56 am, Martínez, Pablo wrote:
>>>>         Hi,
>>>>         Im having troubles trying to use the class rtemsTask from the
>>>> the
>>>>         librtems++.
>>>>         (
>>>>         <
>>>> >
>>>>         )
>>>>         This class is basically a wrapper for the rtems task api.
>>>>         I can create the task successfully (its returns 0), but when I
>>>> call
>>>>         start() the entry point origin doesnt start despite returning 0
>>>>         (this
>>>>         method just write a memory position to check if the task is
>>>>         working).
>>>>         const rtems_status_code rtemsTask::start(const
>>>>         rtems_task_argument arg)
>>>>         {
>>>>         if (owner)
>>>>         {
>>>>         argument = arg;
>>>>         // pass the this pointer as the argument
>>>>          set_status_code(rtems_task___start(id,
>>>>         origin,
>>>>         (rtems_task_argument) this));
>>>>         }
>>>>         else
>>>>         set_status_code(RTEMS_NOT___OWNER_OF_RESOURCE);
>>>>         return last_status_code();
>>>>         }
>>>>         Any help?
>>>>     Are the priorities ok ? If not it might not be able to run.
>>>> Im using this parameters to create the task:
>>>> "SELF"
>>>> 1  (priority)
>>>> 0
>>>> In C implementation is working fine, but the problem comes with C++.
>>> I would need a more complete example to know what is happening.
>>  Chris,
>>  Im trying to use the rtems++ library as follows:
>> //////////////Tempo.h
>> #ifndef TEMPO_H_
>> #define TEMPO_H_
>> #include <rtems++/rtemsTask.h>
>> #include <rtems++/rtemsTaskMode.h>
>> class Tempo: public rtemsTask
>> {
>> public:
>>     Tempo(const char* name,
>>             const rtems_task_priority initial_priority,
>>             const uint32_t stack_size,
>>             const rtems_mode preemption = RTEMS_NO_PREEMPT,
>>             const rtems_mode timeslice = RTEMS_NO_TIMESLICE,
>>             const rtems_mode asr = RTEMS_NO_ASR,
>>             const rtems_interrupt_level interrupt_level = 0,
>>             const FloatingPoint floating_point = fpoff,
>>             const Scope scope = local);
>>     virtual ~Tempo();
>>     //rtems_task origin(rtems_task_argument argument);
>>     const rtems_status_code start(const rtems_task_argument argument);
>>     static rtems_task origen(rtems_task_argument argument);
>>     void cuerpo(rtems_task_argument argument);
>> private:
>>       // task name
>>       rtems_name name;
>>       char name_str[5];
>>       // owner, true if this object owns the task
>>       // will delete the task when it destructs
>>       bool owner;
>>       // the rtems id, object handle
>>       rtems_id id;
>>       // the argument for the task, this class uses the actual argument
>>       // passed to RTEMS
>>       rtems_task_argument argument;
>> };
>> #endif /* TEMPO_H_ */
>>  //////////////Tempo.cpp
>> #include "Tempo.h"
>> Tempo::Tempo(const char* tname,
>>                      const rtems_task_priority initial_priority,
>>                      const uint32_t stack_size,
>>                      const rtems_mode preemption,
>>                      const rtems_mode timeslice,
>>                      const rtems_mode asr,
>>                      const rtems_interrupt_level interrupt_level,
>>                      const FloatingPoint floating_point,
>>                      const Scope scope)
>>   : name(rtems_build_name('S', 'E', 'L', 'F')),
>>     owner(true),
>>     id(RTEMS_SELF),
>>     argument(0)
>> {
>>   strcpy(name_str, "SELF");
>>   create(tname,
>>          initial_priority,
>>          stack_size,
>>          preemption,
>>          timeslice,
>>          asr,
>>          interrupt_level,
>>          floating_point,
>>          scope);
>> }
>> Tempo::~Tempo()
>> {
>> }
>> const rtems_status_code Tempo::start(const rtems_task_argument arg)
>> {
>>     argument = arg;
>>     // pass the this pointer as the argument
>>     set_status_code(rtems_task_start(id,origen,(rtems_task_argument)
>> this));
>>     printf ("   ---Tempo::start  --- \n\n");
>>   return last_status_code();
>> }
>> rtems_task Tempo::origen(rtems_task_argument argument)
>> {
>>      //just for debugging:
>>      unsigned *regout;
>>     regout= (unsigned*)0x80000d04;
>>     (*regout)=0x12345678;
>>     printf ("   --- Tempo::origen  --- \n\n");
>>   Tempo *task = (Tempo*) argument;
>>   task->cuerpo(task->argument);
>> }
>> void Tempo::cuerpo(rtems_task_argument )
>> {
>>     printf ("   --- Tempo::do sth  --- \n\n");
>> }
>> ::::::::::
>> "  ---Tempo::start  --- \n\n" gets printed, but origen() is not triggered.
>>  Trying to solve this out, Im trying with one solution I just found
>> (from you!)
>>  You use a thread template. I just found it so I haven't tested it yet.
>>  This is still not complete. There has to be an initialization task and
>> some RTEMS configuration (e.g. CONFIGURE_xxx followed by
>> an include of <rtems/confdefs.h>).
>> My first guess is that you have an Init task at priority 1 sitting
>> in a loop watching for something to happen. It won't happen
>> because it never yields the processor.
>> An alternative is that the Init() task falls off the bottom of its
>> body and this is a fatal error halting the system.
>> If we saw the Init() and configuration that goes with this
>> it would really help. Something invokes your Tempo
>> constructor.
>> --joel
> #include <rtems.h>
> #include <rtems++/rtemsTask.h>
> #include <rtems++/rtemsTaskMode.h>
> #include </opt/rtems-4.10/sparc-rtems4.10/leon3/lib/include/bsp.h> /* for
> device driver prototypes */
> #include <tmacros.h>
> extern "C"
> {
>   rtems_task Init(
>     rtems_task_argument argument
>     );
> }
> #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS            10
> #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS              5
> //#include
> </opt/rtems-4.10/sparc-rtems4.10/leon3/lib/include/rtems/confdefs.h>
> #include <rtems/confdefs.h>
> #include "Tempo.h"
> rtems_task Init(rtems_task_argument )
> {
>     printf ("   --- Rtems++ V 1.1   --- \n\n");
>     Tempo
>     printf("Tempo::initial status: %d \n",t1.last_status_code());
>     printf("Tempo::started: %d \n",t1.start(1));
>     printf ("   --- FIN   --- \n\n");
>     exit(0);
> }
>  Using grmon I can see the program exits normally.
>    Yep. exit(0) shuts down the entire program including all threads.
> Nothing
> runs after exit(0) is called.
> Try rtems_task_delete( RTEMS_SELF ) which only deletes the executing thread
> and does not shut down the application.
That was the problem! Thank you guys. Feel a bit fool now!


>   Pablo
>>  cheers,
>> Pablo
>>> Chris
>>>  thank u,
>>>> P
>>>>     Chris
>>>>         best regards,
>>>>         --
>>>>         Martínez, Pablo Agustín
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>>>> --
>>>> Martínez, Pablo Agustín
>> --
>> Martínez, Pablo Agustín
>>  --
>> Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Developmentjoel.sherrill at        On-Line Applications Research
>> Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
>> Support Available                (256) 722-9985
> --
> Martínez, Pablo Agustín
> --
> Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Developmentjoel.sherrill at        On-Line Applications Research
> Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
> Support Available                (256) 722-9985

Martínez, Pablo Agustín
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