CFP: EWiLi'14

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Mon Jun 30 13:24:15 UTC 2014


Perhaps you or your colleagues would like to submit a paper about your
work with RTEMS to the 4th Embedded Operating System Workshop to be
held in Portugal this November. The Call for Papers is below.


Call For Papers
EWiLi'14, the 4th Embedded Operating System Workshop Submission
deadline:18 July 2014
13-14 November 2014, Lisboa, Portugal (to come)
Aim and Scopes
EWiLi, the embedded operating system workshop, aims at presenting
state-of-the-art research, experimentations, significant and original
realizations that focus on the design and implementation of embedded
operating systems in both academic and industrial worlds.

Expected contributions include but are not limited to the following topics:
- Embedded operating systems and education
- Methods, software and tool chains
- Model-driven and embedded operating systems
- Data management and memory hierarchy optimization
- Real-time, concurrency, scheduling and temporal performance
- File systems, storage,  and I/Os in embedded operating systems
- Embedded operating systems and reconfigurable architectures
- Embedded operating systems and MPSOC
- Embedded operating systems and multicore
- Embedded operating systems and sensor networks
- Safety and security concerns in embedded operating systems
- Energy and power optimization in embedded operating systems
- Debug and profiling for embedded operating systems
- Case studies and application projects
- Performance evaluation and optimization

Submissions & publication
All accepted papers will be published in the ACM SIGBED Review (ISSN:
1551-3688) Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems.

(e.g: EWiLi last edition proceedings: or

Papers should not exceed 6 pages in ACM SIG format (see ) and should be written in

Important dates (will be precised through the website)
Submission deadline:        18 July 2014
Notifications to authors:    5 September 2014
Camera ready versions:       5 October 2014

Organizing committee:
     Jalil BOUKHOBZA         Associate professor, Lab-STICC/ University
of Western Brittany, France)
     Jean Philippe DIGUET    (DR CNRS, Lab-STICC/University of South
Brittany, France)
     Pierre FICHEUX          (CTO, Open Wide / OWI, France)
     José RUFINO             (Assistant professor, FCUL, Lisboa, Portugal)
     Frank SINGHOFF          (Professor, Lab-STICC/ University of
Western Brittany, France)
     Contact: boukhobza at

Local organizing committee:
     José RUFINO             (Assistant professor, FCUL, Lisboa, Portugal)
     Contact: ruf at

Program committee (to be completed/confirmed)
     Steve BENNETT           (Workware, Australia)
     Sébastien BILAVARN      (LEAT/Univ. Nice, France)
     Gedare    BLOOM           (George Washington University, USA)
     Julien BOIBESSOT        (Armadeus Systems, France)
     Geert BOSCH             (AdaCore, USA)
     Jalil BOUKHOBZA         (Lab-STICC/Univ. Western Brittany, France)
     Dionisio DE NIZ         (SEI, Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
     Jean Philippe DIGUET    (Lab-STICC/ Univ. Of South Brittany, France)
     Henrique DOMINGOS       (FCT/Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
     Lorenzo DOZIO           (Polytech. Milano, Italy)
     Pierre FICHEUX          (Openwide, France)
     Henry HOFFMANN          (University of Chicago, USA)
     Michael HUEBNER         (Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany)
     Jérôme HUGUES           (ENSEEIHT, France)
     Patrice KADIONIK        (ENSEIRB, France)
     John KUBIATOWICZ        (Univ. of California Berkeley, USA)
     Giuseppe LIPARI         (ENS Cachan, France)
     Manolis MARAZAKIS       (ICS FORTH, Greece)
     Dimitrios NICOLOPOULOS  (Queen's University, United Kingdom)
     Laurent PAUTET          (Telecom Paris-Tech, France)
     Luis Miguel PINHO       (CISTER/ISEP, Portugal)
     Loïc PLASSART           (ALTRAN, France)
     Marco D. SANTAMBROGIO   (Polytech. Milano, Italy)
     Eric SENN               (Lab-STICC/Univ. of South Brittany, France)
     Joel SHERRILL           (OAR Corporation, USA)
     Frank SINGHOFF          (Lab-STICC/Univ. Western Brittany, France)
     Frank SIQUEIRA          (Univ. Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil)
     Oleg SOKOLSKY           (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
     Jon SOLWORTH            (University of Illinois, USA)
     John WILLIAMS           (Xilinx, Australia)
     Karim YAGHMOUR          (Opersys inc., Canada)

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