source builder issue (unstable: expat-2.1.0-1 missing)

Karel Gardas karel.gardas at
Mon Mar 17 07:25:37 UTC 2014

Yes, like you I've been also able to build non-"unstable" tools for both 
sparc and sparc64. The only reason why I attempted to build unstable 
stuff is that both sis and qemu/leon3 have not worked for me. In case of 
sis, it looks like a combination of user error where I assumed that simple:


should run, but instead of it I just get:

sis> go
resuming at 0x02000000
IU in error mode (257)
         4  02000000  00000000  Address 0x0000000002000000 is out of bounds.

Now, I know that I need to load the file like:

sis> load ./sparc-rtems4.11/c/sis/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.exe
sis> go
resuming at 0x02000000

Hello World
IU in error mode (257)
    128835  02001f38  91d02000  Address 0x0000000002001f38 is out of bounds.

but still this (for novice misleading) error message at the end remains.

With Qemu/Leon3 the story is probably a little bit different, I've seen 
on the mailing list some messages about a topic and although using qemu 
2.0.0rc0 it may be the case that not all Sebastian's patches are in in 
order to have vanilla Leon3 BSP running...


On 03/17/14 12:19 AM, Gedare Bloom wrote:
> Do the non-"unstable" tools work for you? I don't know what the
> unstable signifies. I use Centos 6.5 and just built my tools
> (4.11/rtems-sparc and 4.11/rtems-sparc64) last week successfully.
> -Gedare
> On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Karel Gardas<karel.gardas at>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> while trying source builder on CentOS 6.x on AMD64 machine I've hit
>> following issue:
>> ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=sparc.log
>> --prefix=/home/karel/sfw/rtems-sparc-head unstable/4.11/rtems-sparc.bset
>> RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, v0.2.0
>> Build Set: unstable/4.11/rtems-sparc.bset
>> error: unstable/4.11/rtems-sparc.bset:17: cannot find file: expat-2.1.0-1
>> Build FAILED
>> this is using today's source buidler head attempting to build RTEMS
>> unstable/4.11 tools.
>> Is there anything I may done in order to fix that?
>> Thanks!
>> Karel
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