Reminder: CFP: RTEMS Developers and Users Conference (RDUC 2015)

Thomas Doerfler thomas.doerfler at
Thu Apr 2 14:27:30 UTC 2015


just a reminder for all of you interested:

There is still some time left to prepare submissions for the RDUC
planned from 18.-19. June 2015 in Munich/Germany. Anyway it would
helpduring preparations, when those of you interested in presenting
their work would give us an early indication.

Here is the initial announcement, including one clarification: We do not
necessarily expect a formal "paper", any useful submission or
presentation is welcome.


This is a Call For Papers for the

	"RTEMS Developers and Users Conference (RDUC 2015)"

which will take place in Munich, Germany from 18.-19.June 2015.

(see also: ).

We consider this conference as a good opportunity to share ideas,
concepts, to present skills and solutions as well as products based on

So we are looking for presentations that fit into this format. If you or
your colleagues are willing to be a presenter on this conference, please
contact us early at

	rduc at

And here are the details:

Expected contributions include (but are not limited to) the following
- best practices for RTEMS
- RTEMS-SMP support: present and future
- development, debugging and profiling tools and methods
- in-system diagnosis
- case studies and applications with RTEMS: challenges, problems and
- SMP/multicore aspects
- platforms for RTEMS
- distributed, fail safe systems
- energy vs. performance optimization
- formal methods for verification
- safety and security challenges and solutions

Submissions and publication
- Presentations should be passed in in slides, preferably in PDF,
LibreOffice or Powerpoint format.

- Papers should not exceed 6 pages (Din A4 preferred) and should be
handed in in PDF format.

All accepted papers/presentations will be published in the
conference proceedings and the conference website. Language for all
submissions and presentations is English.

Important dates:
- First Call for Papers/Presentations: Friday,  6. February 2015
- Abstract Deadline:                   Monday, 13. April 2015
- Acceptance Notification:             Friday, 17. April 2015
- Conference:                          Thursday/Friday 18.-19. June 2015

Orga Team
The embedded brains RTEMS team will organize this conference, so if you
have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us by email:

rduc at


A final note: if you intend to hand in a presentation/paper, we be happy
to get an early announcement, just to coordinate the topics ASAP.

Looking forward to interesting submissions,

Thomas Doerfler.

embedded brains GmbH
Thomas Doerfler
Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim
email: Thomas.Doerfler at
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741-12
Fax:   +49-89-18 94 741-09
PGP: Public key available on request.

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