Netdemo with Altera Cyclone V SoC development kit

Adit Sahasrabudhe asahasra at
Fri Apr 24 00:40:27 UTC 2015

You were spot on Sebastian, thank you!

I had been using Linux with the board earlier, and that boot sequences
goes preloader, u-boot, and then linux. I was running RTEMS after the
preloader thinking it was taking care of that setup setup. It turns out it
was only setting up the clocks and memory interfaces. U-boot (duh) was
handling the ethernet. So I instead let u-boot run, then halted it before
it boots linux, loaded the netdemo example and everything worked.

Thanks again,

On 4/21/15, 11:37 PM, "Sebastian Huber"
<sebastian.huber at> wrote:

>Maybe your PHY is not properly configured (clock skew values, etc.).
>On 21/04/15 22:25, Adit Sahasrabudhe wrote:
>> Just bumping this as I¹m at a bit of a loss on it.
>> I¹ve tried connecting the board to an Ixia traffic generator to send
>> ARP requests, but the board does not respond. Additionally, the UDP
>> traffic that the netdemo thinks it sends out is not seen at all at the
>> other end. I feel like there is just some configuration of the driver
>> that I am missing. I have tried the demo in loopback mode and it seems
>> to be ok.
>> Thanks,
>> Adit
>> From: Adit Sahasrabudhe <asahasra at <mailto:asahasra at>>
>> Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 1:55 PM
>> To: "users at <mailto:users at>" <users at
>> <mailto:users at>>
>> Subject: Netdemo with Altera Cyclone V SoC development kit
>> Hi,
>> I¹m wondering if anyone has experience running the netdemo example on
>> the Altera Cyclone V SoC development kit? The problem I¹m having seems
>> to be related to ARP tables, but I¹m not quite sure.
>> My setup:
>> Host PC ­ Centos 6.6, using Eclipse to load and debug code. IP address
>> of
>> Target board ­ Altera CV development kit, running netdemo example. IP
>> address of (see attached networkconfig.h file)
>> These systems are on a local network connected to each other via an
>> ethernet switch, and are the only two devices attached. I have
>> wireshark running on my host computer and it never sees any traffic
>> from the device. The host is continually sending ARP requests that go
>> unanswered. As a result, when I try to telnet or ping the device, I
>> get the error ³no route to host². I can send the Œu¹ command to
>> netdemo and it says it transmits UDP packets to, but again
>> nothing shows up on wireshark. I have also attached the log from
>> netdemo showing the Œu¹ and ¹s¹ commands.
>> Any insight is greatly appreciated.
>> Adit
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