rtems build and tsim-leon3

Jan Sommer soja-lists at aries.uberspace.de
Mon Dec 28 14:33:24 UTC 2015

Am Monday 28 December 2015, 23:09:59 schrieb 박시형:
> Hello, again me..
> Finally, I succeed in build rtems for leon3 follow this:
> # ../rtems4.11/configure  --target=sparc-rtems4.11 --enable-rtemsbsp=leon3 \
>   --enable-tests=samples --enable-posix
> Then I get the samples like cdtest, fileio, hello, iostream, etc..
> (In sparc-rtems4.11/c/leon3/testsuites/samples)
> And I tried to run hello example using tsim-leon3 (evaluation version)
> tsim> load hello.exe
> section: .text, addr: 0x40000000, size 113840 bytes
> section: .rtemsroset, addr: 0x4001bcb0, size 32 bytes
> section: .data, addr: 0x4001bcd0, size 1616 bytes
> read 1283 symbols
> tsim> go 0x40000000
> resuming at 0x40000000

Have you tried to use "run" or "run 0x40000000" instead of go?
I don't have tsim available anymore, but when I use GRMON I usually simply use run for rtems binaries.

Best regards,


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