Build problems with source-builder compiling 4.11-arm with ADA
Jan Sommer
soja-misc at
Sun Feb 8 08:46:20 UTC 2015
Am Samstag, 7. Februar 2015, 14:55:38 schrieb Joel Sherrill:
> RTEMS provides this file You have to install RTEMS before building Ada.
> I
> don't know how the RSB handles this but the old scripts knew to build C
> and
> install it, RTEMS and install it, and then build C/Ada together with
> passing CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET to point to RTEMS.
> I know I posted patches to GCC to get Ada honoring that flag recently. I
> think I committed that to GCC 4.9 and head. Not sure about 4.8 and know
> if
> needed, the RSB doesn't include the patch.
> I have some local patches to the scripts in rtems-testing/gcc which
> predate
> the RSB and were always primarily used to test GCC. I will try to clean
> those up and commit them.
I just noticed that I cloned from an old repository
( which was still at
version 0.2. I now cloned from the (hopefully) right repository
According to the log file it seems that the script is now compiling with
multilib support, but in the end it fails with the same error.
Attached is the rsb-report I get (now with gcc-4.9.2).
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