Build problems with source-builder compiling 4.11-arm with ADA

Chris Johns chrisj at
Sun Feb 8 21:20:16 UTC 2015

On 8/02/2015 7:46 pm, Jan Sommer wrote:
> Am Samstag, 7. Februar 2015, 14:55:38 schrieb Joel Sherrill:
>>  RTEMS provides this file You have to install RTEMS before building
>> Ada. I
>> don't know how the RSB handles this but the old scripts knew to build
>> C and
>> install it, RTEMS and install it, and then build C/Ada together with
>> passing CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET to point to RTEMS.
>>  I know I posted patches to GCC to get Ada honoring that flag recently. I
>> think I committed that to GCC 4.9 and head. Not sure about 4.8 and
>> know if
>> needed, the RSB doesn't include the patch.
>>  I have some local patches to the scripts in rtems-testing/gcc which
>> predate
>> the RSB and were always primarily used to test GCC. I will try to clean
>> those up and commit them.
> I just noticed that I cloned from an old repository
> ( which was still at
> version 0.2.

I have removed this repo. I am sorry about the confusion this created.

> I now cloned from the (hopefully) right repository
> (

Yes this is fine and I see from the report you have the latest commit.

> According to the log file it seems that the script is now compiling with
> multilib support, but in the end it fails with the same error.
> Attached is the rsb-report I get (now with gcc-4.9.2).

I do not follow what is happening because there is no --enable-multilib 
support in the RTEMS kernel configuration script and I cannot see how 
you enabled a kernel build because there is no --with-rtems on the 
command line. Note --enable-multilib is broken and should not be used.

I do see your cloned repo has been modified so I was wondering if 
something local you have changed is causing a problem.

I also see --with-ada has been used. Do you want an Ada tool set ?


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