List of Hardware boards

angelo fraietta newsgroups at
Wed Jan 14 21:09:52 UTC 2015


I will need to run 7 I2S devices in parallel, so I thought I might treat 
them like a big parallel bus. I had a look at Rasberry PI as it has a 
faster processing speed than NXP, and is significantly cheaper.

I remember discussion a while back on Raspberry PI but I don't know the 
status. Is there a BSP for that for RTMES that supports Network and 
monitor. I don't need USB or disk storage.


On 14/01/2015 5:20 PM, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> Hello,
> you may have a look at the LPC1700 or LPC4000 chips from NXP. They 
> have an I2S module which may simplify things for you.
> On 14/01/15 04:08, angelo fraietta wrote:
>> Greetings
>> Is there a list of hardware boards that run RTEMS. I am targeting a 
>> board where I can do interrupts at about 1.5Mhz because I will be 
>> using an I2S input at 48Khz sample rate.
>> Any suggestions on a board?
>> Thanks
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