RTEMS Source Builder: native-elf-format.h not found

Tyler Parks tparks5 at mail.csuchico.edu
Wed Jan 21 06:42:38 UTC 2015

On 01/20/2015 03:58 PM, Chris Johns wrote:
> On 20/01/2015 6:22 pm, Tyler Parks wrote:
>>      I'm trying to follow a blog post on compiling RTEMS for a raspberry
>> pi
>> (http://alanstechnotes.blogspot.com/2013/03/setting-up-rtems-development.html),
> Fantastic to see.
>> but the RTEMS Source Builder gives me an error that
>> "native-elf-format.h" is not found when I try to build the ARM cross
>> compiling tools for RTEMS 4.11. It appears that file is needed to
>> compile libelf, but I'm not sure how to obtain it. Terminal output and
>> error logs are below.
>>      I'm running the 64 bit version of Fedora 20, which I installed
>> about
>> two weeks ago, running kernel 3.17.8-200.fc20.x86_64. I've run sb-check,
>> and it says my environment has everything it needs.
>>      I've tried "yum group install C Development," and
>> installing/updating kernel, kernel-headers, gcc, g++, binutils, gdb,
>> git, python, elfutils, elfutils-libelf, automake, make, autoconf, bison,
>> flex, texinfo, ncurses, and possibly a few others; it didn't work.
>>      I also tried checking out a commit from a month ago in git before
>> compiling, to see if the problem would magically go away.
>>      I've googled native-elf-format.h and libelf to find out if
>> native-elf-format.h is in a package in the yum repos, or if I can find
>> its source code, but I was unsuccessful.
>>      Could anyone tell me if they have any ideas on finding
>> native-elf-format.h or fixing this error?
> Many thanks for the detailed error trace. I have fixed this with ...
> https://devel.rtems.org/changeset/69c955d7a1684e2193b5e720c6aa3f024a2e6cb0/rtems-tools
> I have been updating the rtems-tools package to cross-compile and
> build for Windows. This is part of Joel and I testing Canadian cross
> compiling (Cxc) tools for Windows for 4.10 and 4.11. We have starting
> push hard to resolve tool issues so we can release 4.11.
> Chris
    I had to install a previous version of texinfo (v4.13 instead of
v5.1), but RTEMS Source Builder seems to be working now.
    Tyler Parks.

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