MinGW Tools locations

Mohammed Saeed Khoory Mohammed.Khoory at mbrsc.ae
Wed Nov 18 03:28:38 UTC 2015

> On 15/11/2015 10:44 PM, Mohammed Saeed Khoory wrote:
> >
> > I used to download pre-built MinGW Tools for Windows (for RTEMS 4.10.2)
> from the following location:
> > http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/mingw32/4.10/
> >
> > This location has disappeared recently. I'm not sure what happened.
> Where did the tools go?
> https://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/archive/rpms/mingw32/4.10/
> Is this what you are after?

Yes! Thank you! 

Looks like I was thrown off by the "rpm" folder name while I was searching. I thought it was only RPM-based distro related.

> > I tried looking for them elsewhere in the FTP server but I just couldn't
> find them.
> We had to clean up the ftp site because we do not know what works and what
> does not work. There are over 42,000 RPM files under the rtems/archive
> tree and I suspect only a handful of these are ok. I have no idea which
> ones they are. We have archived all of them and they are still available.
> Most of the host operating systems with rpm files have moved on and I
> suppose the only one still valid is Windows.
> The RTEMS Project should only supply tested packages and I have never seen
> a set of test results for any of these packages. Each of us know some
> packages work because we have used them and tested them and this is still
> valid. As we move to a continuous integration model leaving packages and
> files with an unknown test history next to known tested packages and files
> raises doubt and undermines what we do.

Makes sense. Ood to know. I think the problem with Windows and MinGW though is that it is somewhat difficult to build the tools, so we want to keep depending on the same prebuilt packages that we know works.

> We have moved all the binary tools and related package source to
> rtems/archive. As part of this move we have extracted all the source code,
> patches and spec files (a build recipe) for every release under
> rtems/releases and placed them in a per release tools directory. Apart of
> making sure we meet the GPL license it provides users with a way to manage
> long term support beyond the life time of binary RPM files on their
> preferred host.
> > I can't find any information in the wiki either, all the links are old
> and don't work anymore.
> The move is not documented in the wiki. If you see a reference that is
> wrong please edit the wiki page and point it to the new location. Every
> small change you can do helps us a lot.

I'll do what I can, next time I use the wiki.

> > What I tried doing is opening the location for MinGW tools for 4.11,
> > then moving up a few directories and I ended up in this directory
> > https://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/people/chrisj/source-builder/4.10/
> >
> > But this only has a bunch of html files, no tar files....
> >
> This is my personal work and it is mostly just reference stuff.
> Chris
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