Zynq : Manual debugging of an RTEMS demo

Badr El Hiouel elh.badr at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 15:04:11 UTC 2016

I didn't get the printk working .. So, I looked for a new way for debuggin
and finaly I got the Xilinx sdk debug the .elf. And when debugging it
doesn't stop in the same line as the fist method ( XMD+gdb). But the
problem of this , is when arriving to newlibc_exit.c the debugger stops and
show me the error :

Can't find a source file at
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.

I searched for this file and I couldn't find it.

I'm looking also to the openOCD way of debugging .. Maybe I'll get the
adaptor from Avnet to try this, I'm just afraid to face the same problem.

Thank you


Mail : elh.badr at gmail.com

2016-03-31 3:50 GMT+02:00 Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org>:

> On 30/03/2016 11:45 PM, Badr El Hiouel wrote:
>> I've written to XIlinx and I'm waiting their answer. But, I was looking in
>> a solution of the problem so I returned back to see the the confirations
>> possible when building the RTEMS BSP and I found this config :
>> --enable-rtems-debug ; I didn't this when I was configuring the RTEMS BSP.
>> What do this config ?
> The --enable-rtems-debug option turns on some assert type checks and some
> extra debugging code paths in RTEMS. It will not help here.
> Without this config can I debug RTEMS ?
> Yes. It does not change how you debug RTEMS.
> Maybe this is the problem of what I'm trying to do ..
> I doubt it.
> Chris
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