Ubuntu .. Re: sparc-gdb not compiling

Alan Cudmore alan.cudmore at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 18:04:34 UTC 2016

I was able to build the RSB 4.12 Sparc toolchain including GDB on a new Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit virtual machine. 

I followed the package suggestions from the latest version of the RSB doc here:
Line 3121:
$ sudo apt-get build-dep binutils gcc g++ gdb unzip git
$ sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev git

I also was able to build an ARM toolchain on the Windows Subsystem for Linux, which is based on Ubuntu 14.04. 
I needed the following packages:
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake bison flex binutils gcc \
g++ gdb texinfo unzip ncurses-dev python-dev git zlib1g-dev make
I would imagine that Ubuntu or Debian variants such as Mint or Elementary OS might need another package or two. 

hope this helps,

> On Oct 1, 2016, at 3:54 AM, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:
> On 1/10/16 4:09 am, D Peter Siddons wrote:
>> Looking through the rsb output I saw a few things which got a "no"
>> answer, which might cause problems.
>> checking for library containing kinfo_getvmmap... no
>> checking for libexpat... no
> Expat is always built by the RSB in the RTEMS build sets. I do not know
> what is going on here. It is not needed as an host package.
>> checking libunwind-ia64.h usability... no
>> checking libunwind-ia64.h presence... no
>> checking for libunwind-ia64.h... no
>> I'm not an rsb expert, but maybe you need the -dev versions, so try installing libunwind-dev and libexpat-dev. I couldn't find anything about kinfo_getvmmap, but maybe a little googling will uncover something.
> Is ia64 itanium?
> These are missing on OSX Serria as well. I installed tested the RSB on
> Serria yesterday.
> Chris
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