Follow-up: RTEMS Project Documentation repository available.

Gene Smith gds at
Fri Sep 9 01:34:15 UTC 2016

On 05/19/2016 11:48 PM, Chris Johns wrote:
> The rtems-docs.git repo source is all ReST format and built using
> Spinix. There are waf scripts in each directory so just drop into the
> manual's directory enter 'waf configure' and 'waf' to build. To build
> PDF use 'waf --pdf'.
> To build you will need to install Spinix and for PDF you will need to
> Tex, Latex etc. On FreeBSD this is the texlive-all package. I hope Linux
> users will chime in with the packages needed.

Tried to build the eclipse manual in latest rtems-docs on Fedora 23:

1) waf configure said the sphinx programs was too old. Had to uninstall 
the fedora sphinx package and install the lastest with
sudo pip install -U sphinx

2) which allows waf configure to work but with some missing items:

[gene at hplt eclipse]$ waf configure
Setting top to                           : 
Setting out to                           : 
Checking for program 'tex'               : /usr/bin/tex
Checking for program 'latex'             : /usr/bin/latex
Checking for program 'pdflatex'          : /usr/bin/pdflatex
Checking for program 'xelatex'           : not found
Checking for program 'bibtex'            : /usr/bin/bibtex
Checking for program 'dvips'             : /usr/bin/dvips
Checking for program 'dvipdf'            : /usr/bin/dvipdf
Checking for program 'ps2pdf'            : /usr/bin/ps2pdf
Checking for program 'makeindex'         : /usr/bin/makeindex
Checking for program 'pdf2ps'            : /usr/bin/pdf2ps
Checking for program 'makeglossaries'    : not found
Checking for program 'sphinx-build'      : /usr/bin/sphinx-build
Checking for program 'aspell'            : /usr/bin/aspell
Checking for program 'inliner'           : not found
Checking if Sphinx is at least 1.3       : yes (1.4.6)
'configure' finished successfully (0.341s)

3) running waf I see a crash-like error:

[gene at hplt eclipse]$ waf
Waf: Entering directory `/home/gene/rtems/rtems-docs/eclipse/build'
[6/6] Processing 
/home/gene/rtems/rtems-docs/eclipse/build/html/index.html: glossary.rst 
index.rst overview.rst rtems.rst -> build/html/index.html
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/gene/rtems/rtems-docs/eclipse/build'
Build failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 138, in process
    File "<string>", line 6, in f
line 94, in get_cwd
      self.generator.bld.fatal('Working folders given to tasks must be 
Node objects')
line 251, in fatal
      raise self.errors.ConfigurationError(msg,ex=ex)
ConfigurationError: Working folders given to tasks must be Node objects

Any ideas? (waf works OK when running RSB or example-v2 apps).


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