Follow-up: RTEMS Project Documentation repository available.

Gene Smith gds at
Fri Sep 9 06:24:17 UTC 2016

On 09/09/2016 12:14 AM, Chris Johns wrote:
> On 09/09/2016 13:40, Chris Johns wrote:
>>> line 251, in fatal
>>>       raise self.errors.ConfigurationError(msg,ex=ex)
>>> ConfigurationError: Working folders given to tasks must be Node objects
>>> Any ideas? (waf works OK when running RSB or example-v2 apps).
>> Thank you for testing and reporting. It seems something in waf-1.9.3 has
>> changed and exposed an issue in the doc build system. Amar put the build
>> system together and I am not sure what has broken.
> I have pushed a patch which fixes the issue. Please pull and try again.
> Thanks
> Chris

Pulling rtems-doc project brought in your fix and now
$ waf
builds the html with no error (but one warning; see below).
However, I get the same crash error as before if I do
$ waf --pdf

[gene at hplt eclipse]$ waf --pdf
Waf: Entering directory `/home/gene/rtems/rtems-docs/eclipse/build'
[1/1] Processing latex/eclipse.tex: glossary.rst index.rst overview.rst 
rtems.rst -> build/latex/eclipse.tex
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/gene/rtems/rtems-docs/eclipse/build'
Build failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 138, in process
   File "<string>", line 6, in f
line 94, in get_cwd
     self.generator.bld.fatal('Working folders given to tasks must be 
Node objects')
line 251, in fatal
     raise self.errors.ConfigurationError(msg,ex=ex)
ConfigurationError: Working folders given to tasks must be Node objects

Not sure if this is because of a missing package (texlive-*). Configure 
tells me I have program "pdflatex" (seem needed for pdf's) but I don't 
have programs exlatex, makeglossaries and inlinear.

Also, the first time I ran waf after your update it emitted this warning:
WARNING: sphinx.ext.pngmath has been deprecated. Please use 
sphinx.ext.imgmath instead.
Don't know what this means.


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