Joel Sherrill
joel at rtems.org
Wed Feb 22 17:04:45 UTC 2017
On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 9:53 AM, D Peter Siddons <siddons at bnl.gov> wrote:
> I have built the tools and RTEMS 4.12 using rsb, for arm, focusing on the
> xilinx-zynq-zedboard bsp. It went very smoothly. I have been able to run
> the samples (ticker, paranoia) on an Avnet Microzed board, which is
> apparently close enough to the zedboard to work.
:) Is there a particular model? Did it come with a JTAG adapter?
> Is anyone actively working on this platform? In particular, does the
> multiprocessor support work? I didn't configure it into the rtems build, in
> fact I'm not sure how to do so. I suppose I need an "--enable-xxx"
> parameter to configure, but I couldn't easily see what "xxx" should be.
There are multiple projects using it so I am sure someone will speak up.
You are looking for --enable-smp.
> I'd also appreciate any pointers to setting up u-boot to automatically
> boot the apps. So far I loaded and ran the binaries by hand from the u-boot
> shell. soime
This had best be answered by someone else.
> THanks,
> Pete.
> --
> D. Peter Siddons
> Detector Development Group Leader
> Photon Science Division, NSLS-II,
> Bldg. 535B
> Brookhaven National Laboratory
> Upton, NY 11973
> email: siddons at bnl.gov
> Phone: (631) 344-2738
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