can't build application from example-v2

Denis Obrezkov denisobrezkov at
Sun Jan 8 09:08:54 UTC 2017

I downloaded sample application from here:

Also, I've already installed tools and rtems, and sample applications from
RTEMS(ticker and hello world) work in sparc gdb simulator.
But I can't build applications from that repository:
./waf-1.9.7 configure --rtems=$HOME/Projects/rtems/devel/rtems/4.12
--rtems-tools=$HOME/Projects/rtems/4.12 --rtems-bsps=sparc/erc32
Setting top to                           :
Setting out to                           :
No valid arch/bsps found
(complete log in /home/reprofy/Projects/rtems/examples-v2/build/config.log)

I found that mistake happens in file rtems_waf/, in function


In the loop in line 571 my f is 'expat.pc', but my archs
is ['sparc-rtems4.12'].

What am I doing wrong?
Regards, Denis Obrezkov
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