How to make a rtems kernel shell prompt to qemu console?

jaeho jo hot486two at
Fri Jun 23 07:01:22 UTC 2017

How to make a rtems kernel shell prompt to qemu console?

I want to see shell prompt on qemu and run another simple program using
file system.

Done :
           Make install on rtems i386 pc386

First time, I thought I have to make a kernel image to target emulator(qemu)
  - kernel image -> qemu -> shell prompt on qemu

But, I saw this mailing list -

and found out rtems doesn’t work like that and rtems builds a single
monolithic binary.

I also found out the samples in rtems directory and fileio.exe is similar
to shell prompt.
If I want to use shell prompt on qemu, I have to modify fileio source code
and build fileio.exe, emulate this binary file?

Also, I found out this link -

without another source download, Is there any other option to build it? I
think Maybe I have to use file system.
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