Building rtems-4.9 using source builder failes

Michael Davidsaver mdavidsaver at
Thu Nov 9 18:28:54 UTC 2017

On 11/08/2017 02:57 PM, Chris Johns wrote:
> On 09/11/2017 06:06, Michael Davidsaver wrote:
>> A hack to skip info creation.
> Are you sure `MAKEINFO=true` is correct?

No.  Maybe "kludge" would have been more descriptive than "hack".

> My testing which is now on the master
> branch [1] is:
>  %{?disable_MAKEINFO:MAKEINFO=missing}

Thanks.  I didn't know about MAKEINFO=missing.

> and you add `%define disable_MAKEINFO 1` into the specific gcc builds to disable
> building makeinfo. It took me a while to dig through all the published info on
> this topic to get this result.
> I am happy to merge patched onto other branches including 4.9 if the change has
> been tested. I would need a tested patch attached to a ticket and a ticket for
> each branch with the branch and next release milestone set on the ticket. Please
> consider doing this as it helps everyone.

IMO this is a high threshold for making small changes.  You're right
about publicizing issues encountered and possible fixes.  In future I'll
at least send a note to this mailing list.

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