Issue with Uart 0 in xilinx_zynq_zedboard BSP

Sergio Paracuellos sparacuellos at
Wed Oct 11 06:09:56 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I am using a zynq based board where uart zero is instantiated instead of
one. I have just set BSP_CONSOLE_MINOR variable to zero and compile rtems normally
(I am using rtems 4.11). I am able to run the samples but uart just give me
unintelligible symbols. I have never expected that behaviour with the
default uart 1 using zynq based boards. The only difference seems to be the
mapped memory region for the uart so I was wondering if I am just skipping
something. The minicom terminal program is configured correctly. I am able
to use the board with linux without any uart issues.

Is there any known issue with uart 0 in zynq based boards? Is neccassy to
change more stuff that console minor configure one?

Thanks in advance.

    Sergio Paracuellos
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