RTEMS with GR712RC and SpaceWire bus driver from Gaisler

Leonard Bise leonard.bise at syderal.ch
Mon Oct 16 09:44:17 UTC 2017

Hello all,

I'm working on a project with a GR712RC (Initiator) and an FPGA (Target)
connected through a SpaceWire link. We'd like to use the SpaceWire bus
driver from Gaisler to do this but beside the configuration example we
didn't find any example on how to use this driver.

Anyone ever used it and could provide some pointers?


*Léonard Bise*
Software Design Engineer
Direct Line +41 (0)32 338 9902

Neuenburgstrasse 7
CH-3238 Gals (Switzerland)
Desk Line +41 (0)32 338 9800
Web Site http://www.syderal.ch
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