MIssing pci/cfg.h during PCI configuration

Jan.Sommer at dlr.de Jan.Sommer at dlr.de
Wed Oct 18 15:24:51 UTC 2017


I try to create a simple rtems4.12 setup using the pc486 bsp with the PCI-library enabled.
Following the user guide I added 
to my configuration. 
If I try to compile the project I get the error: pc486/lib/include/rtems/confdefs.h:3254:16: fatal error: pci/cfg.h: No such file or directory

The only related cfg.h I could find resides in cpukit/libpci/pci/cfg.h, but it doesn't seem that it is installed in the bsp or tools directory.
Do I need to compile the BSP with some extra compile switches for PCI support?

Also I noticed a typo in the documentation which caused some confusion: 
In https://docs.rtems.org/branches/master/c-user/configuring_a_system.html#pci-library the CONFIGURE_PCI_CONFIG_LIB should probably be CONFIGURE_PCI_LIB.
In the same chapter (Configuring a system) it does not say that CONFIGURE_INIT and RTEMS_PCI_CONFIG_LIB need to be defined, but looking at confdefs.h they seem to be necessary.
It is mentioned in chapter "27. PCI Library" though.

Best regards,


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)
German Aerospace Center
Simulation and Software Technology | Software for Space Systems and Interactive Visualization | Lilienthalplatz 7 | 38108 Braunschweig | Germany

Jan Sommer
Telephone +49 531 295-2494 | Telefax 0531 295-2767 | jan.sommer at dlr.de

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