AW: AW: Problem intializing the Network Stack

Chris Johns chrisj at
Fri Feb 16 00:49:46 UTC 2018

On 15/2/18 6:49 pm, Sascha.Tetkov wrote:
> Sorry, I misread (went for the Documentation instead of getting the version from the toolchain). My bad
> I do not use any specific features coming with RTEMS 5

I do not know, you are best to ask them.

> I checked again the effective version of the toolchain, and it is: 
> sparc-gaisler-rtems4.12-gcc (Cobham Gaisler RCC 1.3-rc2) 7.2.0

We have made a number of changes to newlib to improve the interfaces and
robustness of RTEMS and newlib needs to match the RTEMS 5 kernel.

I suggest you build a tool set using the RSB. It is not difficult and we know it
will work.


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