Format flash chip with FAT

Chris Johns chrisj at
Tue Jun 5 23:51:29 UTC 2018

On 5/6/18 9:03 pm, LINDOW, Phil wrote:
>> Why do you want to use a FAT file system on a flash instead of JFFS2? 
>> With the functions you have, you have all what you need to use JFFS2.
> Because the file system should be compatible with RTEMS, VxWorks and in the best case PikeOS.
> I know that FAT is not the best choice for flash but I am afraid FAT is the only file system that is integrated in all three of them.
> We are also discussing a custom file system but that would involve a bigger amount of work.
> Features like wear-leveling  are not very important because most of the time data will only be read and not written.

Thank you for this, I understand where you are coming from here. Please raise a
ticket with the details in your first post.


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