Is an example of TCP/IP on RTEMS i386 QEMU platform available?

구철회 chkoo at
Fri May 18 05:12:51 UTC 2018


I am trying to test the TCP/IP on RTEMS. And I found the virtualbox image (provided by Joel Sherrill on 2012, is a good starting point to begin the test. It has RTEMS i386 bsp and QEMU emulator, and some examples run flawlessly.

I like to test TCP/IP application on the RTEMS i386 + QEMU environment. It seems it is possible by using ne2k_isa or ne2k_pci, or virtio on QEMU, but I found no complete QEMU setup or example of source by search
Is there any reference to those QEMU setup & example source for TCP/IP on the RTEMS i386 on QEMU?


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