GSOC'18 project description

Russell Haley russ.haley at
Tue May 1 05:56:55 UTC 2018

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 8:54 PM, Chris Johns <chris at>

> On 01/05/2018 08:35, Russell Haley wrote:
> >
> > Hi! I wanted to add that DTrace is an unmatched tool for kernel level
> tracing.
> > It provides "zero" overhead tracing by actually re-writing the in-memory
> process
> > images with instrumented instructions. In FreeBSD, it can be used to
> count
> > individual system calls down to the level that would typically require a
> > debugger (without the debugger overhead).
> +1 for dtrace, I would love to see it on RTEMS. It is a clean proven
> design with
> a documented and understood user interface.
> > I know I mentioned DTrace a while back on this list, but didn't have much
> > information to provide. Ping me if you want to know more. I'm not an
> expert, but
> > have used it a little to trace system calls on a BBB in FreeBSD.
> >
> > As I have said before, DTrace may be way outside a GSOC project, but
> want to
> > make sure it gets mentioned in the context of this discussion.
> I think it is at this point in time. We need to be careful when looking
> into
> packages at integrate deep into RTEMS, if there are tricks with the VM,
> exec, or
> user support via shells etc we tend to struggle.

Think of DTrace like a debugger, but it's in the kernel? (I'm sure that
doesn't help).  Too tired to expand  tonight.


> Chris
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