Reminder: Public RTEMS SMP space profile review closes 15th May

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Fri May 10 04:58:17 UTC 2019


the public review closes on 15th May (next week).

You can find the survey results and our space profile proposal in the 
document below:

sha512sum tn-space-profile-r1-12042019.pdf

The space profile proposal sets the scope of an ongoing ESA activity and 
is not related to the feature set of mainline RTEMS. Everyone is invited 
to send comments with respect to the space profile proposal until 15th 
May 2019. In particular, we would like to receive some feedback on the 
open issues identified - it would be helpful for us to know your opinion.

A list of the open issues follows:


The survey results suggest that there is an interest in supporting
CLOCK_REALTIME.  This clock must be specified first.  It raises the question
how the time synchronization should be done (e.g. Network Time 
Protocol)?  How
is the leap second handling performed?  How do you get the initial time at
system start?

Fatal Error Handling

The API for fatal error handling in mainline RTEMS and Edisoft RTEMS
Improvement diverged substantially.  There are no plans to integrate the
Edisoft RTEMS Improvement fatal error handling support in mainline RTEMS.

IO Manager

Is this poorly designed API really used for device drivers in mission 
software?  Which problem does it solve?  Do you really want to use global
variables for the major and minor device numbers to access your drivers?  Do
you really want to read and write to devices via a void pointer 
interface with
absolutely no static type checking?  This API offers no chance for static
analysis tools to produce anything useful.

Interrupt Controller Interface

The interrupt controller interface must be specified.  This includes 
handler installation and removal, disabling and enabling of specific
interrupts, setting of interrupt priorities, etc.

GPIO Driver

The survey results suggest that some users would like to
have an GPIO driver included in the space profile.  The interface and 
set of such a driver must be specified.  GPIO drivers are available in 
RTEMS based on the Gaisler driver manager.

MIL-STD-1553 Driver

The survey results suggest that some users would like to
have an MIL-STD-1553 driver included in the space profile.  The 
interface and feature
set of such a driver must be specified.  MIL-STD-153 drivers are 
available in mainline
RTEMS based on the Gaisler driver manager and also previous ESA activities.

UART Driver

The survey results suggest that some users would like to
have an UART driver included in the space profile.  The interface and 
set of such a driver must be specified.  The standard UART drivers of 
the Termios framework.  This seems to be a bit too complex and 
complicated for
the intended criticality category.  Things to consider are the device 
(baud, bits per word, parity, stop bits), how to set them, flow control
yes/no/software/hardware, a potential line mode, timeout handling, character
conversion, buffering, interrupt or polled mode, DMA support, etc.

SpaceWire Driver

The survey results suggest that some users would like to
have an SpaceWire driver included in the space profile.  The interface 
and feature
set of such a driver must be specified.  SpaceWire drivers are available 
in mainline
RTEMS based on the Gaisler driver manager and also previous ESA activities.

Best regards,

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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