Can someone recommend a Quick Start that "just works"?

Charles Manning cdhmanning at
Wed Nov 20 22:58:30 UTC 2019

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 11:43 AM Chris Johns <chrisj at> wrote:

> On 21/11/19 5:44 am, Charles Manning wrote:
> > 2) Fleshing out
> with
> > a brief compile and run example.
> This is an important and missing section and thank you for raising it.
> It has been on a number of TODO lists for a while now and we have not made
> any
> head way. The hard part is how to get the values out of RTEMS you need to
> make
> sure your application's machine flags (ABI) matches your RTEMS BSP and
> then how
> to do this in a way you can use your preferred build system. Another
> factor is
> Sebastian's major task he is working on which is to move building RTEMS to
> a new
> build system, it will effect how the BSP machine flags are exported from
> I suppose we could add the most basic approach for a stand alone Makefile.
> Chris

Thanks Chris, that would be helpful.

When you're a complete newbie to a new environment, then just being able to
run through a quick start end-to-end without it falling over is a great

Please understand, I am not throwing rocks at anyone. I am guilty of far
too much bit-rot! I really appreciate the effort that has been put in.



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