RTEMS Release Snapshot: 5.0.0-m2002 (06 Feb 2020)

Michael Davidsaver mdavidsaver at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 18:46:09 UTC 2020

On 2/12/20 7:58 PM, Chris Johns wrote:
> It should have worked. I have built the 5/bsps/beagleboneblack build set and it
> worked up building libbsd where I have a packaging issue to sort out, so I am
> interested in why you are seeing an error.

Taking this as a starting point, I create config/5/bsps/pc686.bset with

> cat config/5/bsps/pc686.bset
> %define mail_single_report 1
> %define with_rtems_bsp pc686
> %define rtems_target   i386-rtems5
> %define rtems_host     %{rtems_target}
> 5/rtems-i386
> 5/rtems-kernel
> 5/rtems-libbsd
> 5/rtems-packages

I then try:

> ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix /home/mdavidsaver/source/rtems/usr 5/bsps/pc686 --source-only-download

which errors when trying to download the rtems kernel source.

> config: tools/rtems-kernel-5.cfg
> package: i386-rtems5-kernel-pc686-1
> download: https://git.rtems.org/rtems/snapshot/rtems-5.0.0-m2002.tar.bz2 -> sources/rtems-5.0.0-m2002.tar.xz
> download: https://git.rtems.org/rtems/snapshot/rtems-5.0.0-m2002.tar.bz2: error: HTTP Error 404: Not found
> error: downloading https://git.rtems.org/rtems/snapshot/rtems-5.0.0-m2002.tar.bz2: all paths have failed, giving up
> Build FAILED

If I manually download rtems-5.0.0-m2002.tar.xz then it gets further, but fails on:

> config: tools/rtems-libbsd-5.cfg
> package: rtems-libbsd-vafaeccc05a556f6aa25ba044a7e49d6aa634a59e-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
> download: https://git.rtems.org/rtems-libbsd/snapshot/rtems-libbsd-5.0.0-m2002.tar.xz -> sources/rtems-libbsd-5.0.0-m2002.tar.xz
> download: https://git.rtems.org/rtems-libbsd/snapshot/rtems-libbsd-5.0.0-m2002.tar.xz: error: HTTP Error 400: Bad request
> error: downloading https://git.rtems.org/rtems-libbsd/snapshot/rtems-libbsd-5.0.0-m2002.tar.xz: all paths have failed, giving up
> Build FAILED

I can't see how to fetch this manually, so I removed '5/rtems-libbsd' for the moment.

Proceeding with a build ultimately fails on curl with missing gethostbyname(),
which I guess is to be expected as I've omitted libbsd.

> Could you please create a ticket with the error log and I will take a look?

Is this strictly necessary?  I'd rather conduct this discussion on list.

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