RTEMS Release Snapshot: 5.0.0-m2002 (06 Feb 2020)

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Thu Feb 13 03:58:50 UTC 2020

On 13/2/20 12:38 am, Michael Davidsaver wrote:
> This snapshot builds successfully for me on Debian 10 (amd64).

Thank you for testing the snapshot and reporting your results to the list. It
helps and I appreciate the feedback.

>> ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix /home/mdavidsaver/source/rtems/usr --rtems-bsp i386/pc386 5/rtems-i386
> I did expect that these arguments would also build the RTEMS kernel, but this seem
> not to be case.  I also tried (based on some clearly obsolete notes) adding '--with-rtems'
> which had no effect.

A kernel should be downloaded from the release directory. This is different to
the normal process.

> Is there a way to build the toolchain and kernel in one shot?
> Am I missing a link to current RSB documentation?

It should have worked. I have built the 5/bsps/beagleboneblack build set and it
worked up building libbsd where I have a packaging issue to sort out, so I am
interested in why you are seeing an error.

Could you please create a ticket with the error log and I will take a look?

> I'd look further for this myself, but atm. I can't seem to load the rtems.org websites atm.
> I see a redirect to www-new.rtems.org which has an expired Let's Encrypt cert.

The cert had expired. I believe Amar has sorted this out. Again thank you for
reporting it.


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