rtems-libbsd-5.0.0 , Extension of the dhcp response with option 129 (rtems-cmdline)

Heinz Junkes junkes at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Tue Jan 21 14:13:50 UTC 2020

I am trying to add an option (129) to the dhcp-request in rtems-libbsd.
My attempts to add the option in 

({ "rtems-cmdline", "t",	&dhcp_universe, 129 },)
("define 129 string rtems_cmdline”,)
(define 129      string                  rtems_cmdline)
(#define DHO_RTEMS_CMDLINE               129)


didn't help. Can I find somewhere a guide on how to add this option to the
dhcp-request and this is then added to the variable is assigned to “new_rtems_cmdline"?

Danke Heinz
Fritz-Haber-Institut    | Phone:         (+49 30) 8413-4270
Heinz Junkes             | VC: 1022 2018 1216 @ bjn.vc
Faradayweg 4-6        | Fax (G3+G4):   (+49 30) 8413-5900
D - 14195 Berlin        | E-Mail:        junkes at fhi-berlin.mpg.de

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