Accepted GSoC proposal on improving the RTEMS scheduler

Richi Dubey richidubey at
Thu May 7 08:45:47 UTC 2020

Hey everyone,

My name is Richi, and I am a computer science undergraduate student at
BITS Pilani, India. I am delighted to announce that my proposal to
improve the RTEMS scheduler has been accepted for this year's GSoC.

I would be adding the support of task shifting to the Arbitrary
Processor Affinities (APA gives the flexibility to assign processor
affinities on a per-task basis) model. My implementation would allow
the lower priority tasks in RTEMS with no free processor in its
affinity mask to dislodge a higher priority task that could also
execute somewhere, which would result in better schedulability.

More details about my project can be found on the ticket: which has links to the
corresponding research papers.

I would love to get connected to people who have experience in working
in something similar.


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