GSOC 2020 POSIX Compliance project introduction

Eshan Dhawan eshandhawan51 at
Thu May 7 12:45:11 UTC 2020

Hello everyone,
I am Eshan Dhawan, I am a second-year student in JIIT, Noida.
Pursuing Computer Science Engineering. I am very delighted to
announce that I have been selected in Google Summer of Code 2020,
And will be working on the project  "POSIX Compliance".

POSIX is a standard defined by the IEEE Society and lists
various API's and various command lines and shell utility interfaces.
The Developers community of RTEMS has kept the system well Compliant
with this and various other standards. But with the advancement of time,
the standards also advance as well. Which makes upgrading them an
interminable task.
For My summer of Code, I will be adding various headers and functions to
newlib as well as RTEMS and RTEMS - Libbsd.

This is the link to my ticket for the open project:

I would like to thank the community for providing me with this opportunity.

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