RTEMS Presentations at EPICS Collaboration Meeting

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Thu Oct 22 22:13:37 UTC 2020


Gedare and Chris presented at the EPICS Collaboration Meeting this week. A
news item with links to the presentations is at
https://www.rtems.org/node/136. A core theme is that we want RTEMS to be a
great foundation for frameworks like EPICS and CFS.

Chris did a great job presenting on the past, present, and future of
EPICS+RTEMS highlighting areas that will need work in the future. He did
this in spite of it being the middle of the night for him.

Gedare presented on his security research related to EPICS and RTEMS. There
are lots of opportunities to improve our testing presented. For those
fashion conscious RTEMS users, Gedare looked snazzy rocking the 15th
anniversary Google Summer of Code T-Shirt.

Please take a few minutes to look through the presentations and feel free
to ask questions. The best presentations are just the starting point for

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