Using LwIP on the STM32H7

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Mon Feb 1 22:03:42 UTC 2021

On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 2:42 PM Chris Johns <chrisj at> wrote:

> On 2/2/21 8:32 am, Mr. Andrei Chichak wrote:
> > Is there any advantage to using bsd networking over LWiP, or vice versa?
> They are different stacks with different feature sets and different
> hardware
> resource demands. I am not familiar with the features of LwIP so I am not
> the
> best person to compare them.
> The BSD stack has most of the features you get with FreeBSD. It has IPv4,
> IPv6,
> IPsec, VLAN, bridging, dhcp, openssl, lots of routing alternatives, packet
> filtering and more. It has a range of useful commands including tcpdump.
> The BSD based system provides a solid base to solve a range of networking
> issues
> your RTEMS device may encounter at the system level and not at the low
> level
> programming level.
> The BSD stack uses a lot more resources to do all this and LwIP may be a
> prefect
> fit. I welcome RTEMS being able to support a range of networking solutions.
I have a student (Vijay) working on refactoring libnetworking out of RTEMS,
and will be testing ability to compile legacy vs libbsd. If the lwip build
is demonstrated and clear, I can have him also look at bringing that into
the fold. This is in line with

We have no certain timeline yet, but it is now work-in-progress. We will
bring to devel when progress is made. If we do lwIP too, we will aim to do
a performance analysis with real hardware, so that we can hopefully provide
evidence to help these kind of questions.


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