A problem about _Objects_Open_u32 and _Objects_Close

Ashi ashi08104 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 12:36:40 UTC 2012

Hi, all.
I have a problem about the _Objects_Open_u32 and _Objects_Close function
(e.g They are called in key create[0] and key delete[1]). I find the
description of _Objects_Open_u32() function says:

"This function places the_object control pointer and object name in the
-Local Pointer- and -Local Name Tables-, respectively. "

It seems that it is kind of registration operation, but when should I call
these Object Open and Close function? I feel I should call it just after
_Object_Allocate() is called. E.g. in key create[0], the
_Object_Allocate()  is called in _POSIX_Keys_Allocate(). And I'm also
curious about what the -Local Pointer- and -Local Name Tables- is used for.


Best wishes!
Zhongwei Yao
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