[PATCH 3/5] Shared libmm implemenation for ARM BSPs

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
Tue Aug 27 08:15:57 UTC 2013

On 2013-08-26 20:28, Hesham Moustafa wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Sebastian Huber
> <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
> <mailto:sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>> wrote:
>     On 2013-08-26 02:14, Hesham AL-Matary wrote:
>         +/**
>         + * @brief dummy exception handler for data aborts to help in debugging
>         + */
>         +void dummy_data_abort_exception___handler(void);
>     This is a completely different stuff and should go into a separate patch.
>       I don't think we need this handler.  In case a data abort we get a fatal
>     error. It is up to the fatal error handler to do something with this.  It
>     may use your new arm_cp15_print_fault_status___description() (why is it
>     defined in a header file?).
> I created this dummy exception handler to help me in debugging the code. There is
> a TODO task to call fatal error function, hopefully in the next fixed patch, to
> remove
> the dummy handler and use fatal error.

For the ARM exception handling see:


They end up in:

void _ARM_Exception_default( CPU_Exception_frame *frame )
   rtems_fatal( RTEMS_FATAL_SOURCE_EXCEPTION, (rtems_fatal_code) frame );

In an application specific fatal handler you can do such debug output.  The 
BSPs must not use printk(), they have to be minimalistic.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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