STM32FX BSP questions

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Fri Jul 24 14:29:22 UTC 2015

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 9:26 AM, jay.doyle <jay.doyle at> wrote:
> All,
> I have a few basic questions that I was wondering if someone could give me
> some pointers on.
> My colleagues and I are working on a new RTEMS BSP to support various
> Cortex-M series processors in the STM32F series.  ST provides a nice
> hardware abstraction layer that is common for all their processors in this
> series and we would like to write our BSP around this HAL so that the same
> code can be used to generate BSPs for multiple processors in the same
> series.  We know for sure that we will need BSPs for at least a Cortex M4
> and M7 processor in the series.  Given that goal, what would be the best way
> to structure the project with regards to the location of common coded used
> for different processors in the same family?  For instance, should that go
> into a new folder in arm/shared (e.g., arm/shared/stm32fxxx) and have
> separate BSP directories (e.g., arm/stm32f4x, arm/stm32f7x, etc)  or should
> everything be placed into one BSP directory (arm/stm32fxxxx)?  Are there any
> other BSPs that have the same goal that I could as a reference?

Check out arm/shared/lpc, and arm/lpc*

> Second, I have implemented the console driver for the STM32F4 processor
> using termios and everything works fine, but I'm concerned about the
> overhead of using termios on UARTs that we might use for something other
> than just a serial console (for example, we might want to use a UART to dump
> some logger or trace data periodically.)  Is there a good way to have a
> low-overhead, serial port driver that appears in the file system that we can
> write to using file descriptors?  Are there any good examples in other BSPs
> that you can point to?
I honestly don't know if such a thing exists directly in RTEMS already
as it's out of my wheelhouse, but I'm sure users have solutions. If
you don't hear back from the handful of devs who have deployed similar
systems, you might want to try sending this as a separate question,
and might get better visibility to the users mailing list. This is a
bit closer to a user problem any ways, as in, "how do I use RTEMS to
do really fast data logging to a file system?"


> Thanks!
> --
> Jay Doyle
> Embedded Systems Software Engineer
> jay.doyle at
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